Welcome to Monehin Global Fish Company Ltd. We are a leading Importer and Exporter of Live Tropical Fishes in Africa, based in the western part of Nigeria.
We supply good quality fishes to our Clients-Spread all over the world. Our fishes are well Quarantine to meet the recommended quality standard, before we export them.
Monehin Global Fish Company Ltd is the only company that supplies fishes throughout the year in Nigeria.
Monehin Global Fish Company Ltd. has been in the business of importing and exporting ornamental fishes for over 22 years and has gained lots of experience in the industry. With high quality ornamental fishes, excellent packing with the best materials and proper handling techniques we have grown over the years and are now a trusted name among various importers all over the world. Adding to our success story and good delivery is the discovery a new region in Nigeria where we get high quality ERPTOICHTHYS CALABARICUS and HETEROTIS NILOTICUS which we supply to our various customers around the world...read more